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Difference between Lessons and Education

I am always asked: what is the difference between study and education ?

I give a hypothetical situation :

You go to university, then leave with a first class degree.

After that, you drink tea at Mamak’s shop while smoking cigarettes. Don’t even care about the people around, left and right.

In other words, you’re just academically smart, but civically smart.

— Learned, but not educated.

Or so.

You studied calculus and algebra.

You studied the Pythagorean Theory about the shortest line between two points

When your house is flooded, you choose the closest Database distance to get out to a safe place because Mathematics says so.

Even though you know the road has a big ditch.

As a result?

You drift, drown and die.

Meaning, you only have knowledge about solving problems, like in a textbook.

But there is no wisdom to put it into practice in reality.

— You managed to enjoy your studies, but failed to appreciate education.

The lesson is simply the output of the learning activity (eg curriculum, fieldtrip, syllabus, marks, graduation, etc).

Education is an outcome that builds the student’s character (eg attitude, values ​​and culture).

There are still many who do not understand the concept of “output” and “outcome” in this context.

Therefore, even though OBE ( outcome-based education ) has been cultivated in Malaysian education for many years, there are still many educators who are wrong.

Their paradigms and practices have not moved from content-oriented to skill-oriented


In the process of learning and teaching – what they LOB Directory cultivate, measure and evaluate is still output, not outcome. OBE too, but another O.

In order for a significant shift from the ‘lesson landscape’ to the ‘education landscape’ to truly occur — we must reform the way we assess, assess and reason about the existing teaching and learning system.

Dare to change from output to outcome.

An educated person, not necessarily educated.

The lessons are measured on report cards and certificates.

Education is reflected in skills, thinking and behavior.

This article is a copy of Dr Rem Dambul’s facebook status on the difference between education and education.

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