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Content Marketing Experts Reveal Which Brands Are Pushing the Envelope

Many brands are embracing the power of content marketing. Red bull, kraft, ge, caterpillar are household names in the land of enterprise content marketing. But dozens of other brands are doing a great job too. As arnie kuenn, ceo of vertical measures explains,. There are a lot of brands that have done great content stuff – chipotle comes to mind. There are also less flashy, but equally successful brands that may not make headlines. But are consistently creating helpful and helpful content that has transformed their business.  We to know which brands inspire today’s leading content marketing experts. So we the speakers and friends who will be sharing their insights at content marketing world 2015. Which brands excel at creating content that pushes limits of. What can be  with content marketing?

Their answers run the gamut, from familiar brand names to little-known companies thriving in a unique niche — but each offers inspiration no matter the size of your content marketing team.


Take a big bite

I love Taco Bell. But let me clarify – it’s not the nachos that have me hooked. It’s engaging, original and fun online content. Take a look at the myriad of vibrant colors featured in the photo reel on her Instagram account. It immediately grabs my attention.


Plus, Taco Bell’s fun, tongue-in-cheek voice is so compelling that his personality totally trumps his product (which is great because it’s a much less saudi arabia telegram greasy way to indulge the brand). Best of all, online content exudes passion and positive energy, making the visuals, texts, and messages they share easy.

Taco Bell dares to be different. Go see the content online. And while you’re at it, can you please get me a burrito?

Jordan Borensztajn , Social Media Trainer, Social Needia | @JordanaOZ

Go beyond borders

Storytelling platform Maptia has built a powerful community in an incredibly competitive and challenging space, yet managed to bring together some of the best experiential travel content on the web. This is especially notable because Maptia does this through user-generated and user-submitted works at a time when everyone in this world is competing for these content creators.


I think the lesson here is that relationship building, slow steady progress, a really high quality bar and great work can be pros rather than cons that they’re often to be in style quick-start, growth-hacking mindsets.

Rand Fishkin , co-author, Art of SEO; co-founder, Inbound.org and Moz | @grandfish

Make the mundane attractive

Dollar Shave Club comes to mind because every Cambodia Phone Number List touchpoint is fun. Am I looking forward to getting ? Surely not. But I can’t wait to see the next video, post, social media update, email and most importantly their packaging from Dollar Shave Club.

Phone Number

When you make the mundane incredibly exciting, you make people smile. Joy can be hard to measure through marketing metrics, but it’s the universal spender’s spark.

Unfortunately, although some B2B marketers push (or at least deliver) the envelope, it’s extremely rare that they bring a sense of humor. I would surely like to see it.


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