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And check out this screenshot from

I see this mistake made so often, it needs to be clarified: your social following is the result of your audience, not the cause. Look at every individual or business that has a large social following.


They all have large audiences outside of a single platform. They do interesting things. That’s why people follow them. So focus on your work first, then your social strategy.

How do I know? Because we tried it at Canva. Here is our social media traffic:

A 160% jump in traffic in 60 days. And here’s the thing: we haven’t done anything different on our social profiles. What we have changed is our content .

And check out this screenshot from a BuzzSumo report of Copyblogger’s social shares:


Copyblogger deleted its Facebook page last year. Yet, he taiwan phone number still managed to gain hundreds of social shares from his blog.

If you’re thinking, “Wait a minute. If they can’t follow me on (insert social platform here), how am I going to grow my following? ” Stop now.

What you need to do is focus on a platform that works well for you. I always recommend email. We all know the importance of email subscriptions, so I won’t stress that point here.

3. It’s not about going viral

We had an article that went viral a few days after the new strategy was implemented. The post has accumulated more than 60,000 shares.

Phone Number

It was an incredible feeling. But that’s about all. Since we’re not in the advertising business, that meant nothing to us, from a business perspective. Sure, a few hundred people signed up after reading the post, but that happened with our other posts that didn’t go viral.

Going viral has a lot to do with luck. And luck is not scalable.

What has really kept us going is that our average Czech Republic Phone Number List posts are now consistently getting higher traffic and shares than before. It’s not luck.


You know your strategy is working when this happens.

When you change your goal from “going viral” to “ doing better ,” you start doing different things. For us, that means systematically testing the elements instead o

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