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Analyze your online presence

However, we need to clarify: the limitation of a self-discipline institute is that, in fact, it is self-discipline. So the Institute says there are rules to follow if you are willing to discipline yourself. But they don’t have the power to impose them on everyone. Then it is obvious that if you, as a company, are already an IAP member, you must follow the directives regardless. We were then also contacted by AGCOM last summer, together with others. Main influencer marketing and talent management agencies, as the authority had started a consultation.  I requested notes and points of view on the topic, which I must say were very well received.

The problem is that before there

There was no real sanction mechanism, and many committed “lightheartedness” because the rules had never been well defined. So anyone had the possibility of moving within the limits of this little definition. Until a sensational case broke out and everyone had their say, even though this certainly wasn’t the first nor the last. In fact, there is also the question of the difficulty of monitoring Iran WhatsApp Number Data and controlling activities on social media. You have to pay attention to a lot of things, the hashtags #adv, #gifted, etc. Now they are rightly splitting hairs over these issues precisely because there was something. That pointed the spotlight in that direction; this turned out to be the classic Pandora’s box.  From which a thousand things emerged that could have been done differently, in hindsight, clearly.

WhatsApp Number List

 We need to enhance creativity

So, I don’t know what timing AGCOM had in releasing the new directives and other information. But everything fell into place. AGCOM also announced that in March there will be a technical table in LOB Directory for all participants. Including the company I work for. I will have to bring some sort of proposal to discuss together.There was a figure from Mediaset who, with a stopwatch in hand, tracked the time since the cameras were turned on. Then, at a certain point, he announced that the girl had been on video for so many hours—her daily limit—so she had to leave.

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