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Therefore it is an activity focus

Site information extension This is a similar extension to the explanations, but is more specific. Because Google gives us specific types of headers that we can use. On listing our products, features or services. There are thirteen different types to choose from: Courses, Brands, Destinations, Models, Neighborhoods, Featur Hotels, Programs, Styles, Types, Insur, Amenities, Services. Once we have chosen the appropriate type for our category, we ne to add the value it should correspond to. We can add a maximum of ten different values, each of which must be contain in twenty-five characters. Call extensions They allow us to add a phone number under our text ad.

Call extensions give us a very useful

This is a very interesting solution for companies that offer services and want to increase the number of connections Interestingly, if the company has, for example, a physical facility that operates on certain days and hours, we have the option of specifying when a given extension will be display. Thing, which is the ability to set the click on the phone in the display ad Peru Phone Number List as a separate conversion. To do this, we must then enable the report of telephone calls. call extension Contact form extensions They allow us to add a contact form to our Google Ads.

Phone Number List

Extension of contact forms It

Consequently, if the company nes to receive specific customer data first, it can be done with the help of the advertisement itself, without going to the website. We have a few basic questions to choose from, such as: name or phone number. Then there are the qualifying questions, where Google has prepar an extensive list of questions that we can additionally post. Is also worth remembering to describe the forms well. Under the name we give it, there is a place where in a short comment LOB Directory we can describe exactly what the submitt form will be about.

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