A good pagination page should therefore enable

This in the best possible way. What should be on such a page: page loading speed (very important for every user) adaptation to mobile devices well-thought-out, user-friendly, extensive filter system the ability to sort and change the page layout UX at the forefront with the way of presenting products Properly implemented pagination techniques give a lot of hope that the user will enjoy pagination on your site. And thus – pagination will also delight Google. Duplication of the content of subsequent pagination subpages As I mentioned before, in order for a website to be included in the Google index, it must be considered unique. And no, it’s not just about the category description – you don’t have to commission copywriters to prepare separate descriptions for 100 pages of pagination in your store.

How do you make sure your pagination pages serve

Unique content? In the case of category pages – they do not contain the same products on subsequent subpages. For blog pagination pages – they do not contain the same blog articles. To further avoid the problem of duplication, the solution may be database to implement unique meta tags. explore this issue with a crawler use one of the pagination page comparison tools available online remember to verify the status of subsequent pagination subpages in the “Status” report in GSC Content prioritization Make sure your pagination pages rank their content from most important to least important.

Priority productsarticles should be on


The first page of the pagination. Products that are less important and unavailable should be placed on a page that is deeper in the pagination hierarchy. This will ensure that the most important pages are as close as possible to the home page. Whether the priority products are linked from the first pagination pages can be verified with a crawler. Keyword cannibalization Pagination pages can be a big problem. After all, Google has a choice of numerous LOB Directory almost identical pages – all assigned to the same category (and therefore a key phrase). Suppose we have a category “coffee” on the store with 101 pages of pagination. How to make sure that Google will serve coffee lovers the first page of pagination of our website? Here are some ideas: Use internal links in the content of product pages/article pages in a given category.

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