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If you have marketing

Even if the description will be at the very bottom of the page, the development of Google’s algorithms so far goes in one, unchanging direction – they are to analyze the content in a way that is as close to human as possible. If you write a text with the intention that a real person will read it, and not a robot, then you are halfway there, no matter what revolutionary changes are introduc by the giant from Silicon Valley. . Don’t forget about your target audience You never sell products to “everyone”, you sell them to specific people. These people have their own habits, aspirations, motivations and nes. Treat the category description not only as an addition to SEO, but also as an image element.  Strategy, category descriptions should follow its assumptions.

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Adjust the tone of communication to a given generational group – you will address the millennial generation differently, the generation of the Z generation differently, not to mention the silver generation, which is also a tasty morsel for salespeople. Category description – example of content adapt to different audiences: “Ugly shoes” will work for both casual and urban styles. Sneakers on the platform are comfortable and universal – you can put them on for a Ghana Phone Number List walk to the park, wixa or a house party.  Vegan products that were creat with care for the natural environment.

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Buy responsibly, shop in our store! Sneakers on the platform is a product for the brave, self-confident and those who want to stand out from the crowd and be always up to date. Buy “ugly shoes” and become a real fashion trendsetter! Sneakers on the platform are not reserv only for those who are young, because that’s what their birth certificate shows.  To date with fashion trends and feel much younger than your PESEL number proves? You’ve come to the right place – look around and shop in our store! In the first communication, the content was adapt to the youngest LOB Directory generation of consumers, i.e. Generation.

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